Job applications, Xbox 360 and the 2006
November: The hunt is on
We have to admit that we’ve been looking forward to the ‘November’ part of this review… this was the month HEXUS.gaming launched it advert for a full time staff writer… and now we’ll share with you some snippets from the choicest applications:
I’m really good at working to a tight timescale, always getting my work done on time…. I haven’t had time to write anything for this job but here’s some stuff I wrote a while ago
I live in America and I’d be happy to relocate… What’s the relocation bonus/package?
send me sum gamez and ill so u how gud iam
i dont have a good computer to play games on or a console or anything like that so youll have to give me those so i can work for you i can only do part time though as my dad needs the computer youll send me to
I don’t have any experience or meet the requirements in the advert but I’m perfect for the job
pls snd ps2 g4mz
Want to see some good f***ing reviewing? I’m your man! I can right about f***ing anything and all my mates say I’m f***ing funny. I even got the word **** up on my site! How f***ing cool is that?
my mate said you were lookin for revewieirs ive wrttien stufdf for lots of sites as well as published stuff with PCZONE and PCPRO and others so im sure im trhe one you need! my cv is attached
forgot CV, here it is (A Word document of four blank pages was attached)
And of course, the Xbox 360 was launched over in the US… with the predicted shortages, riots and outrageous behaviour we were all expecting from a new system launch. Also, almost immediately we started to see reports of overheating PSUs and ‘cures’ for the problem ranging from hanging then in the air with string to balancing them across boxes to improve the airflow. Sony fanboys were ecstatic over this apparent flaw in MS’s new console while MS went into action with an efficient returns and replacement system getting faulty units swapped as quickly as possible.
And if that wasn’t enough, HEXUS was doing yet more work with Stirling Services, this time taking a load of industry experts out to a disused airfield in Oxfordshire and getting those Stirling guys to teach them how to storm a hijacked passenger jet. Mucho fun was had by all involved, generating tons of cracking video footage including, of course, the ‘cock-up’ moments…
December: Xbox 360 and Christmas
After having sifted through nearly 100 applications for the position, HEXUS.gaming finally took on a new member of staff in Steven Williamson. Coming from a strong Xbox background, Steven is immediately tasked with getting more console related content onto HEXUS.gaming, which he does with gusto. Then, because we’re a bunch of mean sods, he’s told he has to go at least two days without doing a single Xbox related story… we could hear his screams of frustration echoing dully around the review dungeon.
Also on the team on a part time basis is Ian M, the artist formerly known as Ferral from the forums. He’s a bit of a keen PC gamer, which will help out immensely with the amount of PC games we get in for review, especially those that take a lot longer to work on such as FIFA Manager or Civ IV… the lucky, lucky man!
The 2nd saw the Xbox 360 launch in the UK with GAME opening at midnight in London for ‘fans’. It wasn’t long before disgruntled pre-order customers were popping up all over the place having a moan about not being able to get their console on launch date. In fact, it was all a repeat of the US with many pre-order customers going away empty handed.
There were a fair few dealers doing a massive trade on E-Bay and several retailers, realising how badly people wanted the console, forced customers into buying hugely expensive ‘bundles’. But MS managed to get another drop into the UK just before Christmas so it looks like people who really wanted one managed to get them by the 25th. MS probably shipped some of the Japanese launch units back over as they were having a tough time of it in Sony’s home ground with only a fraction of the reported 300,000 units ready for launch being sold.
And while every website in the world did the most predictable thing ever and covered the already well documented gaming aspects of the Xbox 360, we decided to have a look at what else MS’s new console could do. We still believe that it’s a gem as far as home integration goes… just try out its media extender capabilities and those of you running Windows MCE are in for a treat.
So there you have it, (nearly) a whole year in the life of HEXUS… But what’s to come? Well two of Team HEXUS will be shortly heading off to Las Vegas for CES, so no doubt there’ll be plenty of top coverage from there. We hope to see the PS3 in action at CES, it being the last big show before the console’s expected March release. In this past year alone I’ve travelled over 22,000 miles in pursuit of just a few of the stories that have graced the pages of HEXUS. Next year, we’ll be doing even more mileage as we’re kicking off 2006 with a trip to CES in January, then we’ll be hitting E3 in May as well, two shows we didn’t hit last year.
So with Sony and Nintendo bringing out their new consoles and us covering the major shows, there’s plenty to look forward to with HEXUS.gaming.
See you all in the New Year!