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Review: Nokia 8800

by Matt Davey on 9 August 2005, 00:00

Tags: Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabnh

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While there's no doubt that there is a demand for the 8800, with many retailers reporting it outstripping supply, it has to be said that there is no real technical reason why you should want to own an 8800. Its old technology in a new shell and even that loses its appeal very quickly.

Looks aside, there are too many failings with the 8800 to recommend it to anyone who wants a quality all round package. If you just want to show off your apparent wealth, or have something new to talk about with friends, then you have probably decided to buy one, or you have one already.

There is no doubt that Nokia have designed and built a phone of outstanding quality, its just such a shame it is lacking any substance. We can only hope Nokia build on what they have and produce an 8800i version with the features that represent the investment.


Attractive design
Excellent build quality


It's nothing more than a 6230i in disguise
Awkward button layout
No external volume control
No expandable memory
Poor battery performance
Poor JAVA application support


Scancom.co.uk have the model in stock at the moment.

HEXUS Forums :: 23 Comments

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very good review. I lot of information I was unaware of.
the obscene price and low availablility puts it out of most peoples reach - i'd have one over a full featured phone, but i'm not paying an extra Ā£200 to do so
Anything with battery life that poor is a total waste of time no matter how nice the shell may look.
yes, the battery life was a real key bit of information which I wasn't aware of.
In all honesty, after doing the review, the fact you have two batteries is a GOOD thing, and I would not have put that much of an issue on the battery life itself had the cover not been so hard to remove.

It took me 25 minutes the first time, and by the end of it I wanted to chuck it on the floor and make it represent a pepsi can in a game of football, unfortunately, the supplier would not have been happy ;)

Overall though, the concern for the sake of beauty is well founded and you are right, I would expect much better for the money…..
