The European Commission has responded to reports of exploding Apple devices by requesting that the manufacturer and affected member states provide information on recent incidents.
Earlier this month, Apple was accused of trying to silence Britain's Ken Stanborough, whose daughter claimed her iPod Touch had "made a hissing noise and went pop", launching the device "10ft in the air".
Mr Stanborough's accusation was shortly followed by another from France's Marie-Dominique Kolega, whose son claimed his iPhone made a hissing noise before its screen shattered, sending shards through the air.
In response to the well-publicised incidents, European Commission spokesperson Ton Van Lierop has confirmed to the EUobserver that Apple is under investigation, stating "at the end of last week, we asked Apple and the member states where the incidents occurred to provide us with information on the matter."
The European Commission will now await further details from the UK, France and Apple itself, but it has confirmed that no incidents have yet been reported by RAPEX - Europe's rapid alert system for dangerous consumer products.