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How great are DVD rental services?

by Parm Mann on 11 December 2007, 13:12

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Love movies? LoveFilm.

Ever since I was young, I've always been a big fan of movies. Be it at the cinema or at home, I love watching them. There are so many to choose from and so many to see and thanks to LoveFilm, the DVD rental service, I now manage to get through my fair share.

There are loads of DVD rental services out there, and you've probably seen the advertisements touting "no late fees", "free postage" and "all the films you could want". How many actually use these services though?

As a very happy LoveFilm subscriber, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the service. So, how does it work? Quite simple really, you sign up at LoveFilm.com and choose one of its subscription packages. The different packages allow so many rentals per month, and so many discs at home at any one time. I'm currently using a package which allows me unlimited rentals and two discs at home at the same time.

Once signed up, you create what it calls a 'rental list' and populate it with all the discs you'd like to receive. Be aware also that these discs don't necessarily have to be DVD movies. Based on your subscription package, you could also rent HD-DVDs, Blu-Rays and even games from a variety of console platforms. Once you've created your list, you can mark titles by priority as high, medium or low, indicating which you'd like to receive first.

Then, you're just about done. With your rental list populated, your first discs will be posted out to you (how many depends on your package) via first class mail. They'll come through your letterbox and you can then keep them for as long as you like - thus, no late fees. Once you're done with them, simply put them back in the pre-paid envelope and post it back for free. Upon return, LoveFilm will then send out the next discs from your rental list, and so the cycle continues. Easy!

Though I've mentioned LoveFilm due to my personal experience, Amazon, Tesco, Blockbuster and many others offer very similar services too. Though I've never tried them myself, the services are all sure to be nearly identical and better yet, just about all of them offer free trials.

If like me you like your movies, you may want to look into a DVD rental service, it's a great way to see movies and I'd highly recommend LoveFilm. I find the service to be incredibly prompt, it offers a huge range of titles and I've never known a better way to watch the movies I enjoy. Crikey, LoveFilm should hire me as a sales person at this rate!

Should you happen to be using a DVD rental service already, let us know which one in the HEXUS forums and more importantly, how you're finding it.

HEXUS Forums :: 18 Comments

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I've signed up to Lovefilm after Parm's recommendation.

I'll be testing it over the next three months for free to see if the service is good. So many films to see, so little time.
If anybody else is thinking about giving LoveFilm a trial, here's a 3 month trial code to get you started: 3MONTHEX

Enter that when you sign up and it'll give you your first 3 months free and you can still cancel at anytime.

Note: I don't work for LoveFilm. Honest I don't! :lol:
LoveFilm get a thumbs up from me as well.
They seem to have sorted out the turnaround delays from when they merged with screenselect, so i can't really fault them any more.

I got 2 vouchers for 3 months free through the post yesterday, and no-one to give them to. If anyone's interested drop me a PM.

Parm beat me too it, and with a re-usable code as well…

LoveFilm get a thumbs up from me as well.
They seem to have sorted out the turnaround delays from when they merged with screenselect, so i can't really fault them any more.

I got 2 vouchers for 3 months free through the post yesterday, and no-one to give them to. If anyone's interested drop me a PM.

Parm beat me too it, and with a re-usable code as well…

Can you PM me a code please? I think Parm's code only works for new accounts… :)
Don't watch enough movies to make it worth while, and when I do it's always a last minute decision so so Blockbuster will remain my service of choice….

Roll on entirely downloadable movie content, streamed straight to my TV, any movie I could ever want to watch….I'd pay £30 a month at least for that service, and cancel all the sky movie channels….and most of the regular channels too for that matter….