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O2 makes a digital fridge magnet

by Scott Bicheno on 5 March 2009, 13:23

Tags: O2/Telefonica (NYSE:TEF), Wayve

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qarc4

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Coming soon

Messaging - The O2 Joggler will let customers send 50 text messages every month to any mobile in the UK for free. It will also be possible to send texts to the O2 Joggler from any UK mobile.

Radio - A wide array of pre-set internet radio stations will soon be available to listen to.

As new applications and content become available, they will be sent directly to the O2 Joggler.



The Joggler will be available from April for either £149.99 or in place of a free handset as part of a phone deal. Does this look like something you would use? Do you see the need for a domestic digital device like this? Let us know in the HEXUS.community.

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It's so utterly pointless….I want it! :D

Actually, I can really see me using one of these.
I've been looking for something similar to this, I'd be interested to see if you can put Skype on it.

Being able to hack this will be the clincher, if O2 lock this thing down a la Apple, then I'll stick with waiting for the Touch Book: http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/02/touch-book-from-always-innovating-harbors-removable-tablet-netb/
Had a play with one of these the other day, cool bit of kit. O2 are also launching an online calendar which is available to everyone, not just O2 customers. This online Calendar syncs with the Joggler in both directions. Only thing that I feel is missing is the ability to stream say MP3,s directly to it wirelessly from you PC. That way you can get rid of the CD player in the kitchen!!!

From what I was told it is coming out in April (might have been June) I believe the training guys said and has a decent price point. (Which I don't think I'm allowed to say how much)

In relation to the article itself, it is made by a company called Open Peak :

Thanks for that Ferral, note the price is listed at the end of the third page of the story.
Yeah thats the price we got the other day (Wednesday), at the start of the training seminar it was 199.99 and after lunch it had been put down to the mentioned 149.99.

From what we were told the other day, you can get it on an upgrade instead of a handset for contract customers. It works in the same was as usual upgrades. Get a quote and that is the price you pay going from x amount upto free.

Pay and Go customers can use their rewards discount to put towards one also upto a maximum of £100.

Bear in mind that this is what we got the other day, it could all change by the time the device is released.

When I was tinkering with it I noticed the build quality and screen are exceptionately good. We didn't get a chance to try the internet radio on it or messaging etc. However the video that we seen about it was showing the online calendar being accessed on the device and updating it was so easy.

Its like a PDA for the kitchen, everything is there. You don't need paper diaries as everything can be put on the calendar. You can transfer music from a pen drive to it, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a way to get it to play movies or internet TV, but it is still early days.

One thing they did mention is that it doesn't have a browser on there at present, once again this may change come release date.

P.S : Its actually known officially as the O2 Joggler !