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HP thinks again, decides not to spin-off PC division

by Parm Mann on 28 October 2011, 10:05

Tags: Hewlett Packard (NYSE:HPQ)

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HP has announced that it will keep hold of its PC division following an internal evaluation of strategic alternatives.

In a statement, HP's newly-appointed CEO Meg Whitman said "it’s clear after our analysis that keeping PSG within HP is right for customers and partners, right for shareholders, and right for employees."

"HP is committed to PSG, and together we are stronger."

The U-turn follows a turbulent couple of months for the world's biggest PC maker, and reverses former CEO Leo Apotheker's plans to spin-off the company's Personal Systems Group (PSG).

In August, Mr Apotheker had suggested that the company would explore "a separation of PSG from HP through a spin-off or other transaction" in an effort to "sharpen HP's focus on cloud, solutions and software."

The proposed strategic re-think was met with doubt from analysts and investors, almost instantly wiping-out billions of dollars of shareholder value and triggering an abrupt end to Mr Apotheker's tenure as HP CEO.

In an effort to portray a more unified front, HP now states that its board of directors are "confident that PSG can drive profitable growth as part of the larger entity and accelerate solutions from other parts of HP’s business".

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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Thank goodness for that, an outbreak of sanity at HP. Seriously, OK PSG only makes 6% earnings but 6% of about $9.5bn is still, let's see…carry the one….allow for global warming…sacrifice chicken, yep, an absolute crapload of cash.
Got this news on this through the company email system - sigh's of relief since, apart from LA, did anyone think getting rid of PSG was not a bone-head manoeuvre?

Interesting to see what the Whitman and Lane show have in store for webOS. Personally I'd like to see them keep it - maybe partner with someone (HTC?) - and maybe make use of all those TouchPad's* that are now out there.

(* I was going to inflict an Ubuntu install on my missus' TP - but to be honest there wouldn't be much gained, with OS v3.0.4 installed and debugging switched off it's going darned well. Wish I'd got one for myself)
Thank goodness for that, an outbreak of sanity at HP. Seriously, OK PSG only makes 6% earnings but 6% of about $9.5bn is still, let's see…carry the one….allow for global warming…sacrifice chicken, yep, an absolute crapload of cash.
Translation of that last part for our US readers "yep, an absolute load of cash". Joking aside, that made me smile. ;)
Of course the real question is why would anyone invest in HP? They're running around like headless chickens making grand sweeping investments one week, and discarding it the next. Nobody wants to put money into a company which goes around spending their money like an aimless drunken sailor.
(* I was going to inflict an Ubuntu install on my missus' TP - but to be honest there wouldn't be much gained, with OS v3.0.4 installed and debugging switched off it's going darned well. Wish I'd got one for myself)

You could always put android on it instead. I'm not sure how well polished the TP android port is, but I'd imagine it'd be in better shape than the x86 effort, which in itself is quite usable.
You could always put android on it instead. I'm not sure how well polished the TP android port is, but I'd imagine it'd be in better shape than the x86 effort, which in itself is quite usable.

The Cyanogenmod port is much better than you'd expect from an alpha.
I was a bit scepitcal at first, but I'm now using it as the main OS for my touchpad.