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HP reportedly preps cloud-based music store

by Janani Krishnaswamy on 18 April 2011, 11:56

Tags: Hewlett Packard (NYSE:HPQ)

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One step ahead of Amazon?

Following Amazon's Cloud Drive, now HP is reportedly prepping its own cloud-based music store for its forthcoming webOS-powered TouchPad tablet.

The word comes from a Powerpoint presentation that was initially sent out to HP Small & Medium Business customers previewing what's coming up, PreCentral reports. The slideshow suggests plans for a Music Store and a Movie Store.

The TouchPad's music app might let you buy music tracks, sync and store your library in cloud servers. In fact, HP is going a step ahead of Amazon's cloud service, by enabling smart local caching.

Using an algorithm to detect the kinds of songs you listen more, the music store will locally cache them on your tablet device.  You no longer need to look out for an internet connection especially when your ears are itching to hear your favourite music. Streaming to smartphones like the Pre and Veer is also promised.

Will this make the TouchPad a worthwhile iPad alternative?


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