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ARM makes its smartcard move

by Scott Bicheno on 15 March 2010, 15:37

Tags: ARM

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The green angle

As a specialist in low-power processors, ARM is understandably keen to promote the ‘green' angle too.

"One of the best ways of saving energy is motor control," said Drew. "32-bit controllers enable much finer control, so the question is: how many power-stations worth of energy can we save?" He also mentioned that embedded - i.e. the smaller chips - is currently ARM's fastest growing sector and that ARM's is the fastest growing 32-bit architecture.

Going off on a tangent we asked Drew who he considers ARM's biggest competitors to be. While Intel is the biggie in the application processor space, US low-power chip designer MIPS was the name mentioned in embedded processors.

We also asked what he thought would be the the main factors contributing to the uptake of computing devices using ARM-based, as opposed to x86, processors. Drew identified Google's Chrome OS as a key driver for encouraging people to move away from the wintel paradigm and the full PC web experience is available with things like Adobe's Flash supported by ARM chips. Finally, Drew thinks the novel form-factors and general look and feel enabled by low-power processors are a key factor.

But getting back to the embedded side of things, we'll leave you with a breakdown of ARM's SecurCore family and a diagram of the newly-launched SC000.



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