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NVIDIA tries to stress there’s more to GPUs than graphics

by Scott Bicheno on 12 August 2008, 17:40


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Will anyone listen?


Now, as we've already said, it just so happens that NVIDIA has lost the outright performance leadership today with the launch of the 4870 X2. This is likely to give AMD a boost as, even if people don’t want to shell out the £380+ to buy that card, there is a ‘halo effect’ that comes with the kudos of producing the performance leader that can lead to improved sales of products further down the range.

Without even dwelling on the irony of NVIDIA moving the debate away from raw speed, having exploited this advantage for years, the reason these arguments are unlikely to work is that raw speed does matter to consumers.

Yes, NVIDIA does have some unique bells and whistles and there may well be some other advantages to owning an NVIDIA based graphics card rather than an ATI one. But none of that will mean too much if consumers choose not to look too far beyond who is the performance leader. And that’s the challenge NVIDIA faces until it retakes that crown.

Press releases:


NVIDIA Taps Processing Power Of GeForce GPUs for More Than Graphics

NVIDIA Makes Physics a Reality for Gamers

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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I just sold my PhysX card on ebay so I'm happy with the release of this kit for my 8800GTS.

Still, it won't stop me going to ATI when I can afford it.
Probably would have been better to release this after the Q2 losses announcement than trying to dent the undentable. :P