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Mario Rivas confirmed to leave AMD

by Scott Bicheno on 12 May 2008, 20:02


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The cull continues

HEXUS.channel can confirm that Mario Rivas (pictured), the executive VP of the computing products group at AMD, will be leaving the company.

We are expecting a formal announcement from AMD sometime after 10pm UK time today.

According to the AMD site, Rivas was responsible for “Driving the development, strategy and management for AMD’s broad and growing portfolio of consumer and commercial microprocessor solutions.”

Rivas joined AMD in 2005 from Philips Semiconductor. Before that he worked at TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductors Manufacturing Corporation) and before that spent 19 years at Motorola.

HEXUS was also the first to confirm the departure of former sales and marketing head Henri Richard last August.

Rivas' departure appears to be part of an overall move by AMD to set itself up for the long battle ahead.

12th May, 2300 - AMD confirmation: All change at AMD

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