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NVIDIA says it will win back performance leadership this year

by Scott Bicheno on 14 August 2008, 20:22


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The other fly in the ointment for NVIDIA is that Intel already owns the other main physics technology - Havok - and AMD has decided to cozy up to them on the matter of physics. "I'm getting frustrated with people comparing Havok and PhysX and saying they're the same thing," says Del Rizzo. "Havok can only run on the CPU, whereas PhysX can run on the GPU and CPU."

Can anyone use CUDA? "If AMD wanted to they could produce CUDA stuff; it's not a proprietary or closed interface," says Del Rizzo. "AMD has never come to us and said ‘We need help doing CUDA.' And they don't even need to because it's open - no strings attached. If AMD wants to use CUDA they can and it's the same with PhysX. If they're using CUDA there's nothing to pay us for. If I was Intel, I'd make Havok work on Larrabee."

Ah, Larrabee. Surely that's got NVIDIA quaking in its collective boots. "Larrabee is interesting because it doesn't exist," says Stam. "All it really does is legitimise the importance of the GPU. You should ask Intel: ‘Won't Larrabee jeopardise their CPU operations?' Also, look at Intel's history with software. There is so much software IP with NVIDIA and ATI; does Intel have the software expertise?"

Not necessarily, but it can buy it. Surely it's just a matter of time before Intel catches up. We leave the final word to Stam: "The overall pie is going to get bigger. Our belief is that we're going to grow along with the expanding market and so will AMD if they're still around."

He just couldn't resist.


HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Ya know, I actually forced myself to register for this forum due to the fact that this article just pissed me off. It's one thing if you're pushing a product launch saying it's going to be better than what's out, but to just out right bash a company just because. I'm going to stick up for intel also, because all they are doing is trying to create buzz about a product which will hopefully work out well for them.

AMD/ATI took back the territory they lost over the past two years. That's a good thing for everyone, including AMD which has been having issues executing as of late. Why can't nVidia just say “ Oh crap, we got caught with our pants around our ankles, trying to gouge our customers for ”new“ products built on existing dies.” OH NO, they smash products that are a hit in all channels right now and are causing every etailer in the US to bundle their products and put them all on sale so they can move all of the GeForce cards they have sitting on the shelves now.

These guys must be taking marching orders from the ceo as far as taking the stand of, we're great and everyone else sucks and we'll say it out loud for all to hear. It's ridiculous, and it's bad business, to not give credit where credit is due. I'm not playing the fan boy here, yes i love my amd/ati products, i've always been behind them. But i also buy and try nvidia cards, such as the 9600gt or the 8800gtx that i purchased and just found it wasn't worth the money for what i was looking for at the time. I give them kudos, they had a great run, now the tides have turned, and they shouldn't be this sour about it, and cry and get all defensive. They should start saying, we're gonna blow the pants off everyone with what we're cooking up right now in response to this. They got us good, but we're gonna fire back.

These guys make me sick and make me never want to give them a penny.
Im sorry but im not gunna take any ATI bashing seriously unless you can comment properly on your own future products which will indefinitely retake the performance crown (i know they didnt say that but a simple ‘yes’ answer is a little confident and they may aswell have said that). Yes ok it did take 2 of the ATI GPUs glued together to beat their top model but it did beat it didnt it? they talk as if ATI have reached their pinnacle and they have no way to go from now. Why cant they admit the battle is back on and they are going to have to push to get back into the lead and then stay ahead of the game.
They also mention nothing of price per performance… the actual profits on the ATI cards cant be big as the GDDR5 ram must cost them a fortune with it being so new, they are clearly doing such a radical tactic to not only pull the performance up but to bring their name back into it and get some hype built back up.
Also would he like to point out some of these ‘problems’ crossfire faces in comparison to SLI because from what i have seen in benchmarks it seems to work pretty damned well and dare i say better. I dont know the technical side of things but the game benchmarks speak for themself and THATS what 99% of these graphics cards are bought for. Fire GL vs Quaddro is a different ball park so if his comment is related to them - EPIC FAIL!
When was this ‘years of brand inequality’ he talks of? its been like 1 and a half/ 2 years not like a decade. Its quite clear ATI/AMDs name was never scarred enough otherwise they would have dissapeared completely.

Havok and PhysX - who cares what it runs on, if it has the same/similar end result then what difference does it make? Both things are a similar principle with similar gains so i don't see his point.

Larabee doesnt exsist…. well neither does your retaliation to ATI yet. Intel have very good tactics when it comes to marketing so i dont think its the end performance they even need to worry about its the fact that it is going to exist and its going to be marketed in the same way and along side intels other mass selling products.
Going back to the PhysX point.. surely if intel are planning on pushing the Havok technology then ATI/AMD is wise to wait and see which one is the best way to go rather than throwing money one way or another with a vague hope.

Nvidia need to get a grip and stop clinging to this cuda/physx thing IMO.


EDIT: ill admit the article is written in a way which seems to be against Nvidia but i still stand by what i say
Very nice trap you laid there Hexus:

“Larrabee is interesting because it doesn't exist,” says Stam.
Much like these 40 games that use PhysX and nVidia's performance leading card…
I like this quote “Also, look at Intel's history with software. There is so much software IP with NVIDIA and ATI; does Intel have the software expertise?”"

I seem to remember that nVidia make drivers and so do intel, and intel have been doing it for a dam sight longer, so yes I think intel have the expertise to do it.