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Corsair talks Vengeance gaming peripherals


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Ruben Mookerjee takes us through the new line of Vengeance keyboards and mice.

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Is it just me, or does that mouse look strikingly similar to the R.A.T. mice from Saitek, save for the plastic shell?
My Alienware mouse is made by Logitech. The only reason I bought it over a G9 was because PCWorld were selling it for around £30!! If the Corsair version is more expensive than the Saitek one you only paying for the name.
I'm liking the look of the K90 keyboard, mechanical keys with backlights.
That keyboard reminds me of the old IBM and Cherry keyboards that were made of metal…..

Shame they never survived into the USB era :( My last one had the old 5 pin DIN AT socket…