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Computex 2010 :: The Thermaltake Level 10 MINI
Nick gets his hands on the new Thermaltake Level 10 MINI... and of course he pulls it to bits.
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HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments
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nothing too amazing, seems like much of the case space is wasted if you don't need all those hot swap bays
Bag of Sh%&
When will Thermaltake actually make something good again. I would like to see the original armour with black internals, bottoms PSU mount and top fans mounts for a 2 x 140mm fans and radiator. The original armour was a brilliant case, just update that. Don't add tons a plastic too it, don't add silly side windows with fans (original window was fine)
When will Thermaltake actually make something good again. I would like to see the original armour with black internals, bottoms PSU mount and top fans mounts for a 2 x 140mm fans and radiator. The original armour was a brilliant case, just update that. Don't add tons a plastic too it, don't add silly side windows with fans (original window was fine)
I dissent! I think that this case is highly desirable. I really love that HotSwap bay at the front for an optical drive or an SSD. I envisage being able to swap out operating systems installed on SSD.
BTW, did anyone else think POOR STEVE?
BTW, did anyone else think POOR STEVE?
Meh, the 2.5“ ssd/laptop hd hotswap besides the 5.25” bays is nice, means this case is a good width (probably 210mm)
However this is just a normal mid tower case designed to look like the level10.
I'm disappointed TT could of pushed the boat out a bit more and made it actually compartmentalised like the level10 and not just look slightly like it on the outside
However this is just a normal mid tower case designed to look like the level10.
I'm disappointed TT could of pushed the boat out a bit more and made it actually compartmentalised like the level10 and not just look slightly like it on the outside
To be honest, I quite like it, it looks like the level 10 but isn't too extreme.