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Computex 2010 :: Pre-show chaos!
Steve takes a walk around the Nangang show halls at Computex 2010, Taipei and manages to find a few gems in the chaos.
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HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments
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That Nicole girl seemed a bit hyper for a pre-show
so were supposed to say whether we are a bigger fan or not.. yet you (steve) dont even say who you are in your intro (on any of the videos). shocking :P
im taking a wild stab in the dark guess that your the steve who runs the servers whos finally been unchained now that HEXUS seems to be have been stable for a while. it's a reward for good work. :) just need more practice infront of the camera. but you've got a lot to follow on from the master nick, hes set the bar so high it'd take at least 2 tasers at the same time to even reach his level ;)
im taking a wild stab in the dark guess that your the steve who runs the servers whos finally been unchained now that HEXUS seems to be have been stable for a while. it's a reward for good work. :) just need more practice infront of the camera. but you've got a lot to follow on from the master nick, hes set the bar so high it'd take at least 2 tasers at the same time to even reach his level ;)
Stevie, I hate you… though I AM la-la-la-la-laaaa-LOVIN' the taser idea. :)
See I'm so selfless that I don't introduce myself. Besides, once everybody knows my name, I'll be bored of having fans.
And you can stay the hell away with your tasers.
And you can stay the hell away with your tasers.
It should be a written rule that any Hexus staff that get infront of the camera get the taser treatment, after all equal opportunities and all that, right?