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Dabs.com LIVE :: Meet the public... and Stringent!


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Before the Dabs.com LIVE show opened, Nick took a walk along the queue to find out what they were waiting for.

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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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do you think that if no-one comments on this video, that stringent will get upset that no-one cares about him? :p

and can we have a photo of all the free stuff that stringy got.
Haha! I was hoping it would go unnoticed!

Free stuff not much to write home about really! Well, free things, gotta meet the mad Nick and crew, and got a pic with Gail Porter. That count? :)
Haha Stringent you're famous!!! wooo :D
… got a pic with Gail Porter. That count? :)

I think most people on here would pay for one of them, so it probably does, yeah :D

So, are you really tall, or is Nick really short? ;)
Heh, I think both, but then most people to me look shorter. Except my mate who is like 6ft 8!