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Bletchley Park Code Breakers - Mr and Mrs Lawn


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At the recent awards to honour the Bletchley Park code breakers, we spoke to Oliver and Sheila Lawn. Oliver worked in Hut 6 with Alan Turing, while Sheila was a short code expert.

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These people are absolute legends.
Awesome - I'm always impressed by any of the folk I meat at BP.
We have more to come… how about a complete walkthrough of decoding Lorenz using Tunney and Colossus… and the wiring diagram drawn of Lorenz purely from two messages intercepted by the Allies? Awesome stuff.
We have more to come… how about a complete walkthrough of decoding Lorenz using Tunney and Colossus… and the wiring diagram drawn of Lorenz purely from two messages intercepted by the Allies? Awesome stuff.

Went to “An evening with Colossus” a few months back where Tony Sale went through that - you need your thinking cap on , but its fascinating stuff.
I went to a talk at Bletchley on the Lorenz, its was all very interesting however I was rather ill that day and really didn't get the best from the lecture, which was a bit disappointing. Becareful of the trees they are what protects the park.