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Bletchley Park Code Breakers - Breaking Lorenz Part 3


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In final part of his walk-through, John Whetter from Bletchley Park, explains the use of Tunney in deciphering the German Lorenz code.

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Thanks for this little series. Really interesting and quite incredible the ingenuity and brainpower that must have been present.
What I think is incredible, besides them figuring out how to re-build Colossus, is the chap who figured out what Lorenz was just from the two long messages they intercepted… how much brainpower does that take??? :)
Agreed. And presumably with pencil and paper as well.:crazy: I'd imagine it would be no easy task to write a computer program to work that sort of thing out nowadays, but to sit down and just figure it out…

After this little taster I'm going to have to go and have a visit so thanks again for the videos. :)