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Bletchley Park Code Breakers - Breaking Lorenz Part 1


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At Bletchley Park we talk to John Whetter, one of the Park volunteers, who walks us through the process to break and read Lorenz, the most complex code the Germans had.

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WOW :surprised:

Amazing intelligence involved, puts things in perspective. Also emphasises that our small island didn't become what it is known for today because of luck, lack of chavs or hippies :geek:
WOW :surprised:

Amazing intelligence involved, puts things in perspective. Also emphasises that our small island didn't become what it is known for today because of luck, lack of chavs or hippies :geek:

Unfortunately it is fame,money and attention whores(male and female) which get the most credit in the Britain of today. Our inventors,scientists and clever people only get scant attention in the media TBH. I bet that hardly anyone knows who the last few British Nobel prize winners are for example!! :(

I give you the name of two of them - Sir Paul Nurse and Sir Richard Hunt:



They were awarded the 2001 Nobel prize in mediciine with the American Leland Hartwell for their work in cell cycle regulation. In basic terms errors in cell cycle regulation lead to the vast majority of cancers.

Since 2001 another 4 people born in Great Britain have won the Nobel prize in Medicine alone with another 5 in other areas.
Wonderful job with this series, gives us a terrific breakdown on both the technology and the people behind the history.