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The Fender Precision Bass for Rock Band 2


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Fancy yourself as a bit of Mark King? Or perhaps you're more like Flea from the Chilli Peppers? Either way, Mad Catz reckon you're sorted with one of their Fender Precision Basses.

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HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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Not a fan of the fake tuning pegs, the thumb rest is a nice touch though gives a bit of a vintage vibe to a plastic instrument if that's even possible. When I eventually pick up guitar hero world tour and rock band 2 I'll probably grab one just to help with my fingering (no laughing at the back!) because I find it really difficult to just sit and practice that as I play with a pick almost exclusively.

Shame they didn't go all the way split the strum bar three ways and elongate the scale to mimic the real deal, four touch sensors on the scratch plate to bring the thumb in for some slap would've been a cool touch as well but I suppose if your after that kind of versatility you should go buy a cheap bass and be done with it ;)
Not a fan of the fake tuning pegs, the thumb rest is a nice touch though gives a bit of a vintage vibe to a plastic instrument if that's even possible. When I eventually pick up guitar hero world tour and rock band 2 I'll probably grab one just to help with my fingering (no laughing at the back!) because I find it really difficult to just sit and practice that as I play with a pick almost exclusively.

Shame they didn't go all the way split the strum bar three ways and elongate the scale to mimic the real deal, four touch sensors on the scratch plate to bring the thumb in for some slap would've been a cool touch as well but I suppose if your after that kind of versatility you should go buy a cheap bass and be done with it ;)

With all of the effort involved in playing Guitar Hero, I bet some of you guys could become professionals with the real guitar.

I do play guitar been playing six years, bass guitar for 4, that's why I said the split paddle could serve as a practice tool for skills that would transfer on to the real thing in theory. Being a guitarist hasn't made Guitar Hero any easier to play, they are both very different skill set's in my opinion, I was terrible when I first picked up GH and even though I play on expert now I've had to put the hours in for that skill just like on the real thing.