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Storage going cheap: Tesco sells 1TB external drive for under £70

by Parm Mann on 6 April 2009, 16:29

Tags: Iomega, Tesco (LON:TSCO)

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The cost of hard disk drives continues to fall and despite the looming promise of affordable high-performance solid state alternatives, there has arguably never been a better time to buy.

Take for example this deal currently available at Tesco Direct: Iomega 1TB desktop hard drive - £69.97.

Granted, the drive features only USB 2.0 connectivity and its 1TB capacity has been eclipsed by Western Digital's 2TB monster, but at £69.97, it's providing roughly 1GB of external storage for every 0.07p spent.

Making the deal that little bit sweeter, Tesco is offering double Clubcard points for orders placed via its website and voucher code XXG7KD is currently knocking an additional £6 off. Go via Quidco and a further three per cent cashback will bring the price close to £60.

External storage just doesn't get much cheaper than that.

HEXUS Forums :: 19 Comments

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Wow! I wonder what drives are inside of them and can they be used on a normal PC :o
Yes moogle they absolutely would work in any PC - if it was bespoke it wouldn't cost seventy quid.

I could hang one of these off my NAS box and triple its storage… not yet in need of the extra space, though.
Yes it will be a standard SATA drive, it's unlikely Iomega will have messed with the firmware to make it incompatible with regular PCs.

Scan have external 1TB drives from £75.
I'm still not sure whether to get one or not, wouldn't want it to turn out to be a maxtor :crazy:
I think it's a Seagate drive on the inside so there may be firmware issues though this is by no means a definitive statement….