Computex 2005: USB Skype handset

Computex 2005: USB Skype handset
With Skype rapidly becoming the number one VoIP application (not bad for the crew who brought us Kazaa!). If you don’t know, Skype lets you talk to other Skype users over the net for the princely sum of bugger all. Even better, if you by SkypeOut credits, you can call anywhere in the world for next to bugger all. For example, a 45 minute call from Taipei back to the UK cost me just €0.70, yep, 70 cents for a call that would’ve cost me at least a tenner 3 or 4 years ago, if not more.
But the problem with VoIP is that if you want some privacy during your call, or your lappy isn’t equipped with a built in mike, you’ve got to lug a headset around as well, and these aren’t the most robust of things in the world. I’ve broken the boom arm on two headsets already from traveling with them, so the USB VoIP handset from ORtek Technology could be just the thing I’m after.

Supplying a range of phones with a variety of features, the VUP series of USB VoIP phones make Skyping a doddle and as natural as using a real phone. Superbly, two of the phones in the range don’t even need a driver installing and will let you Skype straight off by simply plugging them in. You then just use the handset to dial and you’re away.
Two of the phones offer more features such as caller ID, and support for MSN, NetMeeting etc, as well as allowing access to many of Skypes features through the handset such as contact searching, echo cancellation an the like. Another advantage is that the handsets take over the Skyp functions previously filled by your soundcard, letting you carry on playing music, watching a movie or even gaming while muttering to a nagging mother complaining you never call her… or maybe that’s just mine….