Having seen Insyde's UEFI firmware and its BlinkBoot technology play a pivotal role in getting a laptop to boot in 15 seconds, we popped into the Taipei Hyatt to have a quick chat with the company.
Insyde's UEFI technology aids the transition from plain-old BIOS tech to EFI by providing a module that delivers backwards compatibility with legacy operating systems. EFI it intended to provide a seamless interface between hardware and OS and be more flexible and quicker to develop for than a legacy BIOS.
So while there aren't that many direct benefits for end-users, we've already seen that POST time reductions are on the cards. Insyde said a number of OEMs are working on integrating its UEFI firmware into new products, so we should see EFI proliferation gain some momentum in the coming months.
In addition to notebook firmware, Insyde is pushing UEFI to server and workstation platforms. It is expanding its engineering staff in order to develop new server and workstation UEFI features to improve server management, event logging, remote access, and more. Both AMD and Intel platforms are supported. We leave you with a picture of a bigass server, just because we love big bits of hardware... mmmkay?