Exploring Computex can be a real eye-opener, or it can make you want to curl up in the corner of your hotel room and rock back and forth until it's time to return home. Brave souls that we are, we managed to stay sane whilst being exposed to these gems...
Most well-hung product

A waterproof MP3 player - not all that hilarious by itself - but supported by the branding, we reckon it's the perfect "package" to serve as, erm... "augmentation" for the less modest (or less well endowed) Speedo wearing individual.
Company with largest amount of win

You can't be more full of win than that now, can you? We're not entirely sold on the domain name, though.
Most thunderstruck stall

Back in bla... wait, what?
Best lawsuit bait

Oh come on, not even a different font?
Company with highest midichlorian concentration

The force is strong in this'un.
And finally...
Biggest WTF of Computex 2010

Sorry fella, but that definitely doesn't make you more approachable.
Don't forget to check out the rest of our Computex coverage.