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Intel Conroe Launch - Spyshot...ATI Crossfire?

by Willy Deeplung on 27 July 2006, 18:16

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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I can see CrossFire :mrgreen:

Not much I can reveal on this one - but perhaps some stories won't come true in the end... nice one Charlie! :P
Is that X1900 CrossFire I see in that system?... Ah, yes - CrossFire on show at the official Core 2 Duo launch... :) ...and in one of Rahul's Voodoo'ey PCs to boot... :mrgreen:

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lol at the picture :) but yeah ati and intel are still friends :D
AMD might put a stop to this.
i doubt it much.

they want to sell chipsets - i dont think they care who to.

if its to intel they earn from a lost cpu sale :)

if its to amd they earn from cpu + chipset sale :)

are you trying to get a record number of posts in one day?