The great AMD treasure hunt!
AMD, eh? They get everywhere, and I really do mean everywhere. Their list of partners exhibiting here at CeBIT is absolutely immense, 64 of them, according to this list they’ve given me.
This year AMD have organized a treasure hunt around the entire of the CeBIT site. Now before you go of thinking what all the fuss is about, you need to get an idea of the sheer scale of CeBIT. There’s over 6,500 exhibitors here, some with stands in several halls. And if you’re still thinking that it’s not big, then how about if I tell you that each hall is roughly the size of four football pitches….. and there are 27 of them…and a couple of those are even bigger still. Now do you get the idea?
Right, so now we’ve firmly established just how incredibly massive this event is, where do AMD come into it? Well, those mischievous little tikes have gone and had a bit of fun. They’ve been around to some of their partners stands and planted 10 golden AMD holograms somewhere on their stands.
According to a source inside AMD, this was a night operation carried out by crack AMD staff, hand picked and led by Rabah Ichadadene, Business Development Manager for AMD. The list with the locations of the holograms is under 24 hour armed guard but I managed a quick peak at it before being bundled out side and given a good kicking by the dustbins. My pain is not in vain as I can now confidently report that there are NO holograms on the Intel stands….
So, does it sound like a tough task to find all 10 amongst 6,500 stands? Perhaps, which is why AMD have kindly whittled it down to just 64 stands, but you don’t even have to find all ten holograms, you only need 5 to be able to enter. Once you’ve got your five, log on to www.amd.com/cebit2005 and fill in the forms to be entered into the prize draw.
What’s up for grabs? Is it worth the 10km trek? Oh, it most certainly is. With a partner list that encompasses ALL the big names from ABIT and ASUS to NVIDIA and ATI, you can bet that the prizes are just as big. For example, we’ve got memory, mice, cases, graphics cards, sound cards, MP3 players and flatscreens all going begging, so it makes trekking across the site well worthwhile, all we have to do now is convince AMD that they’d like to organize something similar over in the UK and we’ll all be happy.