Press Release
New NAS tool enables users to share and stream content on LinkStation Live both at home and awayUK, 9th May 2007 – Buffalo Technology has developed a new Web Access facility for users of its LinkStation Live network attached storage (NAS) device. The free online service allows consumers to instantly and securely access all digital files stored on the product situated at home, with an internet connection.
“Consumers rarely restrict themselves to using just one computer, and considering the vast amounts of digital files, such as photos, films and music, that are stored in homes across the world, why should users be constrained in accessing it?” commented Gerardine Lynch, Product Marketing Manager at Buffalo. “The LinkStation Live allows users to store, share and stream digital content in the home, while the new Web Access tool delivers the same capabilities whether users are at home, work or in an internet café in Australia!”
By logging on to from anywhere in the world and entering the registered name of the LinkStation, users can immediately connect to their digital content and choose to download files, stream MP3s and videos, play all MP3s in a playlist or share the content by sending a link and login information to a friend. It supports UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) and has optional SSL (https) encryption, ensuring security, and users can also restrict public access so that only designated people can open selected files.
The new facility is available immediately to existing LinkStation Live users via a free firmware upgrade* and will be installed on all LinkStation Lives from June. It will soon be compatible with other Buffalo NAS devices, such as the TeraStation Live.
* Firmware is downloadable from
LinkStation Live
The LinkStation Live is a high capacity consumer NAS device that allows users to store digital content and share or stream it around their home network. The product provides a cost-effective, high-performance NAS solution that delivers superior reliability and usability for consumers, and is available in capacities of 250GB, 320GB, 500GB and 750GB.
It features a high-performance Marvell Media Vault Processor, DDR-II Ram and high-speed SATA drive to deliver increased throughput rates of up to 35MB/s, which is five times faster than average single-drive NAS devices on the market. Its added multimedia features include an iTunes™ 7 support, which allows iTunes 7 software to access music stored on the devices. The products also enable users to store photos and videos directly from a digital camera.
The LinkStation Live is Windows and Macintosh compatible and features MemeoTM AutoBackupTM software for additional data protection.
Estimated street prices (ex VAT) for the LinkStation Live are as follows:
250GB – HS-DH250GL - £106
320GB – HS-DH320GL - £132
500GB – HS-DH500GL - £187
750GB – HS-DH750GL - £366