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ATI ships RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO 256MB, world's most powerful graphics card

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DDR-2 memory and 256-bit memory interface delivers image quality and frame rates that hardcore gamers want

MARKHAM, Ontario - May 12, 2003 - ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ:
ATYT) is now shipping its RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO visual processing unit (VPU) with 256MB of fast DDR-2 (double data rate-2) memory. The RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO 256MB -available in limited quantities to OEM, retail and online customers - is the most advanced 3D performer available, delivering to hardcore gamers the immersive and cinematic experience they crave.

The RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO 256MB delivers full quality at full speed all the time. Built on the highly successful RADEON 9800 PRO architecture, the chip features eight full precision pipelines that provide the brute force and agility needed to render real-time, Hollywood-caliber graphics. The additional memory provided in this new board significantly increases performance at the highest resolution and quality settings. The RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO 256MB sets a new standard in 3D entertainment, allowing users to experience cinematic rendering on their PCs.

"ATI continues to blaze the trail in the graphics industry," says Peter Edinger Vice president and managing director, Europe, ATI Technologies, "We were the first to support full Direct® X 9.0 and OpenGL(tm) 2.0, the first and still the only VPU provider to offer eight dedicated pipelines of rendering power and, with the RADEON(tm) 9800 series, we became the first to bring second-generation VPUs to consumers. ATI keeps offering consumers greater power and features." The RADEON 9800 PRO's 256-bit memory interface provides the bandwidth for real-time 3D graphics and ensures that high-resolution textures and characters are rendered precisely. Exquisite image quality is not at the expense of performance.

The RADEON 9800 PRO 256MB graphics powerhouse is available for $499 USD. For more information on ATI's partners or products, please visit http://www.ati.com <http://www.ati.com>.

Company Background
ATI Technologies Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics and digital media silicon solutions. An industry pioneer since 1985, ATI is the world's foremost visual processor unit (VPU) provider and is dedicated to deliver leading-edge performance solutions for the full range of PC and Mac desktop and notebook platforms, workstation, set-top and digital television, game console and handheld markets. With 2002 revenues in excess of US $1 billion, ATI has more than 1,900 employees in the Americas, Europe and Asia. ATI common shares trade on NASDAQ (ATYT) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (ATY).