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ATI ships RADEON(tm) 9600 PRO, driving the world's leading graphics technology to the mainstream mkt

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ATI takes high-end graphics to the next level, with full image quality at full speed, all the time

MARKHAM, Ontario - May 8, 2003 - ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ:
ATYT) is now shipping its much-anticipated RADEON(tm) 9600 PRO visual processing unit (VPU). Highly acclaimed by reviewers worldwide, the RADEON 9600 PRO allows performance mainstream users to access the world's leading graphics technologies initially developed for the RADEON(tm) 9800 PRO. The RADEON 9600 PRO offers true cinematic quality visual effects, performance-enhancing options and efficient, powerful graphics to gaming and graphics enthusiasts.

The RADEON 9600 PRO delivers cinematic realism and unprecedented power to the mainstream segment for less than $200 US. Driven by its full-time, full-precision floating point architecture featuring quad pixel pipes and dual vertex engines, the RADEON 9600 PRO also features full support for the latest Microsoft® DirectX(tm) 9.0 and OpenGL(tm) feature sets and advanced anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering technologies. Graphics enthusiasts in the mainstream benefit from the blistering speed of the RADEON 9600 PRO as well as the ability to turn up quality settings for the best visual quality without sacrificing playable frame rates, even at high resolutions.

"We are driving cinematic rendering, with all the image quality that implies, into the performance mainstream," said Rick Hegberg, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, ATI Technologies Inc. "With the launch of the 9600 PRO, we relied heavily on our manufacturing partner, TSMC. Our strong partnership and their expertise ensured a smooth transition to the new 0.13 micron process. The TSMC 0.13 micron process enables us to run the RADEON 9600 PRO at high clock speeds with low power and minimal cooling, giving users full image quality at full speed, all the time."

"ATI is a major user of a wide range of TSMC process technologies. TSMC has demonstrated clear industry leadership in 0.13-micron production, and our experience with the RADEON 9600 PRO is no exception," said Kenneth Kin, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing & Sales at TSMC. "Together, we are delivering excellent performance and yield in high volume."

For more information on RADEON 9600 PRO, and ATI's partners or products, please visit http://www.ati.com <http://www.ati.com>.

Company Background
ATI Technologies Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics and digital media silicon solutions. An industry pioneer since 1985, ATI is the world's foremost visual processor unit (VPU) provider and is dedicated to deliver leading-edge performance solutions for the full range of PC and Mac desktop and notebook platforms, workstation, set-top and digital television, game console and handheld markets. With 2002 revenues in excess of US $1 billion, ATI has more than 1,900 employees in the Americas, Europe and Asia. ATI common shares trade on NASDAQ (ATYT) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (ATY).