2015 doesn't quite look the way it did in Back to the Future Part 2 - hoverboards and flying cars haven't yet caught on - but hey, isn't that a custom set of Google Glass that the Doc is wearing?
Powered laces and self-drying jackets might appear in the months ahead, and they'd do so alongside a new wave of intriguing tech. All signs suggest that this will be the year of the connected home, with smart appliances and increased automation, virtual reality continues to hold promise, wearables are almost certain to be all the rage, and who knows, your next Christmas shop may be delivered by drone.
There's plenty to be excited about in what's shaping up to be a great year in tech, but which innovations in particular are you eager to see in 2015? Whether it's as ambitious as a flying Delorean or as straightforward as a next-generation graphics card, let us know using the comments facility below.
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