Your search for Windows XP returned 51 results
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25 February 2010, 10:25
13 July is the last day you’ll get support for XP SP2 and Windows 2000, with Vista RTM support ending sooner.
16 May 2008, 12:30
Microsoft's ambition to have every low-cost laptop running its XP operating system takes another step forward.
6 February 2009, 11:28
With Vista having failed to make a substantial impact on enterprise users, Microsoft's Steve Ballmer implores customers to let go of XP.
6 February 2008, 13:04
Windows XP system running low on RAM? In need of Windows Vista's Readyboost technology? No problem, eBoostr is the answer.
30 August 2012, 17:30
UK users can also upgrade their new Windows 7 computers for £15.
24 June 2008, 09:53
Microsoft confirms 30th June cut-off, but just for OEMs. Can also be acquired as a “downgrade” from Vista.
26 September 2006, 13:30
One of the key differences between XP Home Edition and XP Pro was that XP home wouldn't have scalable processor support - of course at the time ...
27 May 2014, 11:12
Registry setting will trick Windows Update into thinking the system is Windows XP POSReady.
4 August 2009, 16:23
Backwards compatibility feature for Windows 7 moves from beta to release candidate.
11 April 2011, 09:16
But XP still way ahead globally.
19 July 2010, 11:00
Laplink Migration Kit for Windows 7. The Seamless, Easiest Way to Upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7
16 January 2014, 10:15
Microsoft will stop providing all other support for XP and Office 2003 from 8th April.
7 August 2008, 13:10
Black Hole routers, a relatively new phenomenon that is about as easy to fix as explaining string theory to a five year old, is sorted by the XP SP3 ...
8 April 2013, 00:05
Support ceases on 8th April 2014 but old OS still accounts for 39 per cent of PCs worldwide.
27 September 2005, 10:18
3D Prophet KYRO Series Optimised drivers for Windows XP
29 July 2005, 00:00
When installing Windows XP, most of the time you'll find that it has the basic drivers it needs to intsall itself. However, sometimes you might need to intervene. This ...
27 September 2005, 10:18
4 November 2010, 12:18
Windows XP – currently utilized on 51% of computers worldwide -- leaves 3TB+ disk space inaccessible. With Paragon GPT Loader you can utilize the ENTIRE hard drive!
20 April 2009, 10:50
The software giant paves the way for Windows 7 Starter for netbooks.
27 September 2005, 10:18
VIA Embedded Platforms Support Included in Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 1
23 December 2014, 18:37
Start Menu 8 V2.0 Unleashed: Advanced Start Menu for Windows 8, 7, XP and 10 Preview.