Are we just us getting older and less fussy, or does Zoe Ball really seem to get better-looking with age? Either way, the Lancashire lass and former BBC Radio One presenter is looking mighty fine in the pictures below as she prepares to become the official 3D TV Test card for the Sky 3D Channel tonight.
Zoe, alongside the headless, bespectacled Mr 3D, will show viewers how to set-up their 3D TVs for the optimal viewing experience. Airing at 20:45 tonight and repeated every day on Sky 3D (channel 528) Zoe will explain how to tweak your aspect ratio, colour and contrast settings and set your room up to get the most out of your 3D experience.

"This guide brings the test card into the 21st Century, using the latest 3D technology to make something which seems technically complicated, clear and simple - allowing you to get the best pictures from your HD 3D screen,” explains Chris Johns, Sky's Chief Engineer who developed Sky's new 3D Test Card.
“Watching Zoe steer you through the tutorial, whether in the 2D or 3D version, gives the ultimate user-friendly guide to getting the best viewing experience from your 3DTV."

If you just can’t get enough of the lovely Zoe and her brand new test card, Sky is reminding viewers that they can record these sessions via Sky+ and tune in online at: