On the rebound
HTC has already announced on Facebook that it's having another of its big events in London on 1 September. The last one celebrated the launch of the Sensation, so there's every reason to believe that this event will accompany a new phone too.
But four and a half months later seems a bit soon to be rendering your flagship Android phone obsolete, and Microsoft has already said it major refresh of WP7 is due sometime in the Autumn, so it seems fair to assume this will be the first HTC WP7 phone(s) since the launch of the platform last October.
BGR has an anonymous source that it claims confirms this will be the case, and that, in the US at least, the products will be the 3.7 inch Eternity and the 4.5 inch Omega.
This event is occurring far too soon after the Googorola announcement for it to be considered a direct response to it - these things take a lot of planning. Furthermore, HTC would always have intended to launch new products on the WP7 Mango platform, as it has made it clear to us that it needs at least two platforms to keep each platform-maker honest.
But what great timing! No sooner does Google put the cat among the pigeons by announcing it's going to compete with its own device partners, than those partners - like jilted lovers - get to unveil lots of shiny new phones based on its main rival platform.
Microsoft must have loved the Googorola announcement, and it will be interesting to see if the likes of HTC put a bit more effort and marketing muscle behind these launches than they did the first lot. Our guess is they will.