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Cut and paste WP7 update roll-out has begun

by Sarah Griffiths on 24 March 2011, 14:56

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Update on updates

Microsoft has begun to roll out the first major update for its WP7 smartphone platform, which includes the eagerly anticipated cut and paste function.

According to a blog post, the update, which has been rolled out to non-branded handsets at first, also includes a speed boost for apps and games, better Marketplace search, Facebook integration plus tweaks for the camera, audio, messaging, Outlook and Wi-Fi.

 Most importantly for UK-based WP7 users, operators have moved past the testing stage and are scheduling the release for the ‘coming weeks,' according to another post.

WP7's GM of customer experience engineering, Eric Hautala said: "When the update is available for your phone, you'll get a message on the device letting you know."

While viewers of the blog appear to be pleased about the boosted transparency and update on the situation, some are still frustrated about the tardy timeline.

There were problems with a mini upgrade back in February, which was designed to prepare handsets for this larger update but bricked some handsets. This update is consequently a bit late as Microsoft said it was trying to learn all it could from the problems.

Microsoft has also added a Where's my phone update? website which promises to let WP7 phone owners find out when they can get the update.

There is a 3 step process before users can get their hands on the update: First it must be tested by the mobile operator, Microsoft can then take 10 days to schedule it for delivery and then it will be delivered. However apparently the last stage can take ‘several weeks' for WP7 users to receive the message that the update is ready.

WP7 users will have to connect their phone to a computer to download and install the update.

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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Do many people really care any more about WM7 - its kinda lost the little momentum it had.

Until Nokia bring out the mid range handsets with WM7 on them, I think Microsoft has little to shout about. Shouting about updates for your shiney new OS with things that should have been included in the original launch is a tad sad….
Yes and No.

They've got a good price point, 12 month contract, £20 a month unlimited data and plenty of calls, with the EU roaming pack it suites me down to the ground.

WM7 is quite good, its not really very good, but then if your honest none of them are.

iOS has a crap interface, is insainly restrictive etc. Andriod has a interface so inconsistant at times it can make you long for the iOS one…. almost.

WM7 actually stands head and shoulders above the others here, the cut n paste isn't really even needed due to the way the accelerators work.

The issue is this, I whilst drunk, was playing with my onkyo reciever last night, using DLNA, found I can turn it on and stuff. Now after a light session of pubbabge and insomnia I suddenly find myself wanting to code. Silverlight is by far the cleanest framework for phones right now, by a absolute mile. I start at the VM (in MVVM land, which on a large app is way better than MVC/MVP) and guess what? The APIs I want, which were in windows CE 4, are NO LONGER FRICKEN THERE. That's right, they've removed access to them.


So most people are shouting about the wrong things. XNA and the hardware minimum ensure good games. The browser is easily the fastest on any phone, but lacks flash until the end of this year (so I've heard, might be longer…. This really pisses me off).

And this is why I don't think its nokia, there are some great handsets out there, the Omnia7 is the one I'm on for WM7 and for the price its easily the best phone I've owned (iPhone4,HD2,Desire in chronological order) and as these are all for my work, I'm quite objective with the value for money + greatness of phone.
No more sad than apple releasing the ipad 2 with a camera…

But then again i'm bound to say something in Microsofts defence given I have a WP7 device and I'm waiting for the update. I'm more interested to see what they've done with the marketplace and how they've improved app loading. Copy and paste is something I've only ever missed having once.
app loading is more for silverlight ones iirc, the main one will be in Mango later this year, until then switching is quite slow.
Too little too late.

I had a conference call with MS UK couple of months ago - the statement that made me lose interest in my WP7 device was “WP7 won't be ready for enterprise use until approx 18 months away” - When asked what my organisation is going to be able to do in the meantime they said “WM 6.5 will still be supported for the next 5 years” - SO WHERE THE HELL ARE THE WM6.5 DEVICES? Looks like we'll be steering away from MS - ah well, they're loss.

Coming back on topic - This update should have been with us at the beginning of February - Turns out they had to delay it because some carriers didn't approve it - Another one of MS's fake promises of not having to rely on carriers to approve updates. Orange still havn't provided teh update for my device so I took to flashing a new leaked rom with the update. It still didn't address the notification sound interruptions let alone anything else!!!

WP7 = Epic fail