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Microsoft disables WP7 update for Samsung devices

by Scott Bicheno on 23 February 2011, 15:37

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Another brick in the wall

As soon as Microsoft started its first big update of Windows Phone 7, reports started circulating of an issue with the Samsung Omnia 7, which led to it being ‘bricked' - i.e. rendered useless - by the update. HEXUS reader TheAnimus noted as much in response to our story yesterday.

Well it looks like Microsoft has officially acknowledged the matter now, according to a report from winrumours, which gave the following quotes from a Microsoft spokesperson, admitting they had: "identified a technical issue with the Windows Phone update process," and "In response to this emerging issue, we have temporarily taken down the latest software update for Samsung phones in order to correct the issue and as soon as possible will redistribute the update."

Needless to say this isn't great news for Microsoft, with WP7 still a far from proven platform in the eyes of the market. While it's not a complete surprise that the first ever update of a new OS should encounter some teething problems, part of the point of Microsoft controlling the hardware platform so closely was supposed to be to avoid these kinds of issues.

We'd like to hear from any readers who have an Omnia 7, or indeed any other WP7 phone, and have experienced any difficulties around software updates and bricking in general.


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