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WP7 sales pass 1.5m barrier

by Sarah Griffiths on 22 December 2010, 15:18

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Wondrous Windows?

Microsoft has revealed it shifted 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 handsets just six weeks after the OS' launch.

Achim Berg, VP of marketing for the platform, trumpeted the figure in a mock-interview blog post, adding that it helps ‘build customer momentum and retail presence'.

"We know we have tough competition, and this is a completely new product. We're in the race - it's not a sprint but we are certainly gaining momentum and we're in it for the long run," he added.

"Sales are ramping well as our reputation is growing for offering users a unique experience and are in line with our expectations - especially when compared to other new platform introductions," said Berg.

However, while the sales aren't bad, Microsoft has spent a staggering $500m promoting its new mobile platform and a VP at the company, Joe Belfiore has recently admitted that WP7 could take up to two years until it seriously rivals Apple's iPhone and Google's Android offering, making it one serious investment.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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I do agree with the sentiment - new platforms take a while to establish themselves nobody expected miracles etc.

It's not like even the Jesus Phone™ sold that well initially - and that wasn't in the face of decent competition.
http://blog.seattlepi.com/microsoft/archives/232651.asp nuh-huh

Very true, I'm guessing they're plugging shipped numbers as there's a reasonable difference to sold numbers.