Available to download today on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, ‘Send To Kindle’ archives documents in the cloud with all your Kindle e-books. Transferring documents and images is simply a matter of right-clicking on the required file within Windows Explorer and choosing the ‘Send To Kindle’ option.
Users can also use the print dialog option from within any Windows application to transfer data, including Microsoft Word. Documents are then delivered in PDF format and held in the Amazon cloud where they can be downloaded at your convenience.

The ‘Send To Kindle’ application is also supported by the Kindle App on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
Supported files include:
• Microsoft Word (.DOC)
• Microsoft Word (.DOCX)
• TXT (.TXT)
• RTF (.RTF)
• GIF (.GIF)
• PNG (.PNG)
• BMP (.BMP)
• PDF (.PDF)
You can download ‘Send To Kindle’ here.