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Apple’s advanced new “Active Stylus” patent

by Mark Tyson on 2 January 2013, 12:45

Tags: iPad, PC

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In May last year patent applications were uncovered showing ideas and designs for an “iPen” dating from the era of the original iPad. That document was from 2010. Now it seems like Apple are pushing some more pen-based ideas to re-invent the stylus with its “Active Stylus” patent application. This new application was published at the end of 2012 according to Patently Apple. Interestingly the patent wasn’t filed in Apple’s name but “sneakily” by two Apple employed engineers under their own names.

Just like Steve Jobs was said to be against the idea of a 7-inch iPad (mini); calling it a “Tweener device”, being neither one thing nor another, he also looked down upon the idea of using styli. The Telegraph quotes him as saying, in 2007, “Who wants a stylus? You have to get them and put them away, you lose them, yuck! Nobody wants a stylus.” To this date styli are still not available in Apple Stores as accessories, even though they are popular with punters. Also the popularity of the Samsung Galaxy Note range of devices might have shown Apple a thing or two, including the fact that integrated stylus controls can be seen as a bonus, a selling point.

Apple’s new “Active Stylus” has a powered electrode in the tip to communicate with the touchscreen device. The patent says that the new stylus will be more accurate and less “finger-like”. In this way Apple can still insist that styli should be unnecessary for device interface usage but can be of great utility to artistic content creators, for example. This new patent combined with previous stylus ideas patented by Apple, such as haptic feedback within the pen, could make an appealing and accurate input device that could “feel” the textures of paper, wood or canvas etc.

As with all patent applications like this nothing may come to market using the technology. However Patently Apple observes that this “sneaky” practice of filing patents under engineer names often goes along with products that do get realised in manufacture.

HEXUS Forums :: 18 Comments

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Coming soon - Apple suing Samsung for the Galaxy Note range - date of release be damned!

(to be fair, the Apple Newton was a stylus system, but that would have been a pressure stylus, not a capacitative stylus like the Note's and I think this patent describe).
Don't see why there should be a patent for this. Be like trying to patent the pencil…
Or rounded corners….or a rectangular device….or a particular colour….
Reading more around this story, seems like Apple have taken the tech from the Stylus and tech on the Note 10.1" and because Samsung haven't filled a patent for the tech, Apple intend to steal it themselves.
Is apple starting to get afraid they have too many patents