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Apple loses court battle over 3G and is fined by Australia over 4G

by Alistair Lowe on 21 June 2012, 10:08

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Samsung (005935.KS)

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Following up on reports from consumers and, in fact, ourselves, that Apple was falsely advertising the latest iPad as having 4G capabilities outside of the US and Canada, the Australian federal court has found the firm guilty of "deliberately" misleading customers on the local capabilities of the iPad.

"The conduct concerned was deliberate and very serious, it exposed a significant proportion of Australian consumers of tablet devices to a misleading representation." stated Justice Mordy Bromberg, who had, in relation, issued a £1.5 million fine and a further fee of £194,000 in costs to Apple.

This doesn't come at the best time for the firm, who has just lost a case to Samsung over a 3G patent in the Netherlands. Damages against Apple devices in the region are yet to be discussed, however any patent cases involving 3G have landmark significance, as the technology is widespread and present in almost all of Apple's products, something that the firm wouldn't wish to lose any footing over.

We can only hope that as Apple realises that it's not all win win win, in the patent world, that the firm will re-evaluate its stance on IP and find a more amicable solution to the mess it has played a large part in creating.

HEXUS Forums :: 18 Comments

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This is much welcome news.
Ā£1.5 million? That's a drop in the ocean to Apple and probably confirms to them that the extra sales gained through misleading consumers is worth more than the cost of the fine, thereby encouraging such things in future. They're clever enough to design the ipad, they're clever enough to do some cost benefit analysis…
I must admit, that doesn't seem very much since Apple are so stupidly rich….
Couldn't happen to a nicer company.
as has been mentioned its a very small amount for a company like apple and I cant see it acting as a deterrant to them in the future.

Although apple where naughty in misselling the whole 4g needs clarification as From what I can gather the 4g networks in american arent true 4g networks as per the spec laid down..