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Review: All Star Karate - Wii

by Stephen Coleman on 27 May 2010, 10:03 1.75

Tags: THQ All Star Karate, THQ (NASDAQ:THQI), Wii, Beat 'em up

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This one's for the chop

You're also able to choose either a male or female karate novice who gets attacked by a random group of ninjas while on route to a movie theatre. After scaring away the ninjas with your frantic Wii Remote flailing, you attract the attention of a karate master who takes it on himself to train you in the ways of karate. After you agree to the training, you learn a new set of karate moves to help you on your travels.

Following a spout of training which involves mirroring simple on-screen prompts, you take part in a one-on-one spar. If you were expecting a realistic karate chopping though experience, you will be greatly disappointed. All you have to do is move your hands from side to side and your adversary will be defeated. There is absolutely no skill involved at all. And there's more bad news.

Even though the story mode has something of a plot to it, it is poorly delivered and utterly tedious. The bad voice-overs and cut-scenes are just terrible to sit through, but luckily there is an option to skip pass them, otherwise I'd have chewed through my Wii Remote within minutes.

Sadly I can't recommend this game to anyone, not even children. With its appalling control system, mind numbing story-line and abysmal voice-overs this is definitely one title that should remain on the store shelf.

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