Over 60 single-player missions
The interface is identical to any Worms game we ever remember playing. It's painstakingly simple to use and switch between weapons, plus there's an excellent tutorial if you're at all unfamiliar with the franchise. Indeed, the standard single player campaign is very much a tutorial in its own right, with teams of worms getting increasingly difficult to beat and the chance to battle across all the game's backdrops and get used to all the weapons. Long loading times that we used to be subjected to have vanished and full team, game style customization, landscape editing tools and even the ability to import images, gives the game a modern day edge and a real focus on providing replay value and the game's multiplayer mode.Nevertheless, the single player campaign is a great starting point to reaquaint yourself with the worms or meet them for the first time to train yourself up for the multiplayer experience. There's also a new mode thrown in to keep hardcore Worms fans happy, which is aimed toward better players. Body Count is where one worm is pitched against never ending spawning enemy worms that get increasingly tougher. Of course, you still carry out the same actions as always, moving slowly across the map, choosing your weapons and setting them off in the hope of killing your enemy, but the new mode adds a little variety to the old formula and offers a decent challenge for the good players.

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