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Microsoft finally get round to Xbox 360 update

by Steven Williamson on 23 April 2007, 11:07

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Backwards compatibility update

When I received my new Xbox 360 and got rid off the Xbox I held onto a few games in the hope that I'd be able to play them on the new console. One of my favourite games was Sega's superb Jet Set Radio Future, but I was also a keen player of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Unfortunately, neither of these games were included in the backwards compatibility list at the time.

Almost a year and a half since the Xbox 360 hit the shops, Microsoft has finally got round to including these titles following an update to the console at the back end of last week.

The good news is, if you've got rid of your copies of the following games you should be able to pick them up for next to nothing.

Xbox 360 backwards compatible - Updated list


Jet Set Radio Future


Panzer Dragoon Orta

Phantom Dust

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Unreal Championship 2

The bad news is - the update is not yet available in the UK, but will be shortly!

Source :: Xbox.com

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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that list's from the US xbox site - and i tested the update with a UK copy of JSRF which didn't work
that list's from the US xbox site - and i tested the update with a UK copy of JSRF which didn't work

:telephone: It was sent out to the UK press. I better double check!
Bah, another few weeks here apparently.

Sorry guys, story updated!
i was sad. the instant i heard about JSRF support i was downstairs with a freshly-burnt default.xex file. but nooooo :(
i was sad. the instant i heard about JSRF support i was downstairs with a freshly-burnt default.xex file. but nooooo :(

lol, I was already looking on Ebay!