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Xbox 360 homebrew video

by Steven Williamson on 4 July 2006, 09:49

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaf6l

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A hacker by the forum name Undertakencodes claims he is scared about the fact that he has discovered a security flaw in the Xbox emulator. He's put a video up on You Tube to show his progress which shows a port of Snes9x running from a media disk on the Xbox 360. There's an ongoing argument over at the Max Console forums as to the validity of the video,with the main argument being that the Xbox appears to be turned on before he opens the tray.

Hi all, I have found a hole in the security of the emulator of Xbox1. I have developed a port of the Snes9x but to play is almost impossible at the moment. I don´t hope that you believe me but homebrew already is possible in our Xbox 360s.

Maybe on july-august i´ll publish the tutorial and the .iso file of the Xploit. In certain way I am scared and i dont know what to do.

View the video via the : Max console forums and let us know your thoughts.

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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Why are they saying it's fake? Wireless controllers work MILES away from the console.
Why are they saying it's fake? Wireless controllers work MILES away from the console.

Yeah, I guess they haven't used a wireless controller. You can see the Xbox switch on but if you look carefully it does look as if he uses something a few seconds before to switch it on, so it must be a wireless controller.