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Xbox 360 DIY cooling solution - if you dare

by Steven Williamson on 26 June 2006, 16:52

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaf4f

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D.I.Y cooling kit

Fancy trying your hand at a bit of D.I.Y? Of course this solution will void your warranty on your Xbox 360 but for any risk takers or seasoned professionals out there you might want to take a look at this liquid cooling solution from Koolance.

There's a choice of a black kit and a silver kit!

Koolance's complete cooling kit for the Xbox 360 features the Exos-LT cooling system, CPU and GPU liquid blocks, AC power adapter, and special Xbox mounting hardware.

For further details visit the official website

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Steven W
Liquid cooling solution for your Xbox 360 if you dare!

Check out the Headline for more info.

Said it before will say it again…WHY!!!???

How about a quietr DVD drive mod??
Said it before will say it again…WHY!!!???

How about a quietr DVD drive mod??

Yeah, I agree. did you see how much it costs? $394.94 :undecided
OMG what I would pay for a quiet DVD mod
Steven W
Yeah, I agree. did you see how much it costs? $394.94 :undecided

No I didn't see that - scan read it. That ridiculous! :surprised: