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Burnout Revenge : Xbox 360 Screenshots

by Steven Williamson on 10 February 2006, 15:17

Tags: Burnut Revenge, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), Xbox 360, Sports

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HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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OH MY GOSH WOW! Must buy Xbox 360 dagnabbit!!!!!!!! :eek:

Why do they torture me so much with SO MANY awesome looking car games!??
yea tell me about it.

First PGR3 then Test Drive Unlimited the NFSMW ….ummmm scratch that one

Now this, i love the Burnout Series.

Its on my must buy or i wont live list
cant wait for this….smashing cars up, not being thrown in jail but being rewarded for it…yes please :D
I think the 360 could do with a tad more variation at the moment than just car games…. but it does look noice :)
im guessing this will be xbox360 only…. looks incredible! when the 360 drops in price il pick one up, but for the mo my cash goes into my pc…. would be nice if it hits other platforms - the gamecube could do with a 2nd burnout outing :D