Dragon Age Legends for the social crowd
by Steven Williamson
on 4 November 2010, 12:51
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA),
Xbox 360,
Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa2vg
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Dragon Age Legends blends tactical combat with co-operative gameplay will also give gamers the chance to earn exclusive unlocks for Dragon Age II on PC, due for release next year.
Dragon Age Legends is due to launch in February 2011 and will give players their first taste of the Free Marches, the primary setting of Dragon Age II. Alongside their Facebook friends, players will take on quests within a storyline, earning loot, sharing rewards and growing their kingdom. The game will include a character customisation and upgrade system that will allow players to tackle demons and darkspawn to become a legendary hero within the Dragon Age universe. Dragon Age II, the sequel to Dragon Age: Origins, will be available on March 8, 2011 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.