EA resurrects the classic board game, RISK
by Steven Williamson
on 14 January 2010, 17:03
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA),
Xbox 360
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RISK Factions will be released as an Xbox Live arcade game early this year and will include both objective-based and world conquest modes. In the game we'll be able to engage as one of five playable factions, each offering a different strength, and wage war on new maps in a quest for missile silos that will us to strategically dominate the game.
Additionally, as rivals go head-to-head during combat missions, enemies will be able to trigger “Overkill” moments, based on the roll of the dice, and unlock avatar awards while attempting global supremacy.
Developed by Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers studio Stainless Games, RISK: Factions will, according to EA, offer innovative ways of experiencing the turn-based board game.