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Mii-style avatars to replace Xbox 360 gamer pics...for a price?

by Steven Williamson on 16 June 2008, 10:22

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Leaked information said to be from market research company, Intellisponse, suggests that Microsoft will be introducing avatars and a social gaming channel to Xbox 360 this year.

Judging from the picture below, avatar customisation will be far more in depth then it is on Wii, with users being able to choose from a wide range of colourful costumes and looks.

The Mii-style avatars are rumoured to fit in with a new social gaming channel, which will allow users to quickly jump into party games, such as 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire', as well as sports and puzzle based games.

Sounds good right? Well, don't get too excited as there may well be a sting in the tail.

Whereas Mii avatars are available on Wii totally free of charge, we'd be silly to believe that Xbox 360 avatars won't cost us. Almost nothing is free on the Xbox live marketplace right? There's also the suggestion that licensed costumes will be available to dress our avatars, such as Mr Incredible's super-hero outfit? How much is that going to knock us?

The opportunity for Microsoft to make some serious wedge from this idea is huge. Licensed football club kits. Movie hero costumes, Nike trainers; the potential for coining in the MS points is massive.

Possible price list?

Social Gaming Channel :: 1000 points download
Man Utd Top :: 800 points
Adidas shorts, 200 points
Nike Trainers, 100 points

Owning a Wii, priceless

Microsoft has not confirmed that the project even exists, but with E3 approaching, it looks like Intelliponse may have ruined one of the company's' big announcements.

Of course, we've got our fingers crossed that the new avatars will be free, but we certainly wouldn't bet on it.

Source :: Xbox 360 fanboy

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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Think you've hit the nail on the head Steven. The service, if true, is likely to be more feature-packed than Wii's Miis. But, I can't see MS doing anything other than charging silly amounts for accessories and so forth.
If the avatars are free, cool, if not then I'm not spending money on something like this…. They should do like the gamer pics and themes where the basic ones are free and the “premium” ones cost a little if you want them. That way, everyone is involved and they'll still make $$ off of those who want the special sauce.
If the avatars are free, cool, if not then I'm not spending money on something like this…. They should do like the gamer pics and themes where the basic ones are free and the “premium” ones cost a little if you want them. That way, everyone is involved and they'll still make $$ off of those who want the special sauce.

Thinking about it more, I reckon you're right, there may be basic level free avatars with limited customisation and costumes and then charges if you want to make yours look funkier.
I like that idea of too, but it has to have a free basic level. No way will i be paying to make an avatar better, ive got better things to throw money at…

I also thought that it would be cool to get ltd edition outfits (for free) by doing something in the game, id imagine it would have to be 1000/1000ing it and then get an outfit. Such as getting a master chief outfit for getting all the achievements.

Then again if they go along with something like that id imagine that it would only unlock it where it is then available to buy from the marketplace :/
Social Gaming Channel :: 1000 points download
Man Utd Top :: 800 points
Adidas shorts, 200 points
Nike Trainers, 100 points

Owning a Wii, priceless

Owcheeeee! That is going to leave a mark.