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Wireless Nunchuck for Wii in production?

by Steven Williamson on 8 January 2007, 11:11

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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Computer Games website, Verdicts, claim they have received information that Nintendo are developing a wireless version of the Nunchuck controller for Wii.

The website states that this new attachment is in production due to the " many complaints from gamers who feel that the dangling wire which links the two devices, simply distracts from gameplay, especially in games which require significant movement of the arms, such as Wii Boxing or Call of Duty 3."

The cord, that attaches to the Wii-mote from the Nunchuck, is approximately 3 feet in length which seems to be more than enough to play the likes of Wii Boxing (unless you have the arms of a chimpanzee) so we're treating this latest rumour with a heavy pinch of salt.

Unsurprisingly, Nintendo have not commented on the rumour.

Source: Verdicts

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I found that the lead hit me in the face a bit when playing boxing, and that you don't have a massive range of movement with the lead connecting the two.

Then again I can't use my Wii at all because my Wiimotes are dead :(
Then again I can't use my Wii at all because my Wiimotes are dead :(

whats the story behind that?
They've stopped working! :)

Well ok, one works but its got no sound or blue lights, the other just doesn't work at all. Trying to get them replaced or even contact Nintendo is painful. I'm on 8 emails without a reply (apart from an automated one this morning).
Levaing the Nunchuck plugged into the Wii-motes runs down the battery in the Wii-motes, I know two people not including myself who have had this.

I hate to teach you to suck eggs but…have you tried changing the batteries, but maybe leaving them out for a bit too to reset the NVRAM which is used to store stuff. Though the NVRAM might not be true its what they normally use in storage.
The prob I have witht he nunchuk is its a bit lightweight compared to the wiimot. Maybe being wireless the batteries would weight it down a bit