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Datel working on Wii device to play multi-region

by Steven Williamson on 18 December 2006, 10:37

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qahjz

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Datel's Action Replay and Freeloader tool have allowed console users to access cheats within videogames, such as extra lives and secret levels, ever since the days of the Commodore 64. The device examines memory locations, modifies them and in some cases, such as on the Xbox, it allows you to access debug menus to play unsigned code.

On the Codejunkies website, Datel bring word that the Action Replay and Freeloader devices are currently in development for Wii, which means we could soon be able to play games from all regions on our PAL consoles. Datel have also confirmed that the existing tools for GameCube will also work on GameCube games on Wii.

If you have one of the later versions of Action Replay or FreeLoader for GameCube, you can use it on your Nintendo Wii when playing GameCube games. It won’t work with Wii – titles – it’s a GameCube product after all – but those who trade in their Cubes and invest in a Wii can carry on playing their imported GameCube games with FreeLoader and enhancing the experience with Action Replay.

“We want to play multiregion Wii games, and bust them wide open too! All we can say at present is watch this space – we’re working on it, and if it’s possible, you’ll be the first to know."

We'll be keeping a close eye on Datel's progress and we'll let you know if the tool becomes available.

Source: Code Junkies

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Bit of a misleading heading, it's a disc/device to enable games from other regions to be played on a Wii. It's not however enabling any backwards compatibility. The Wii is already sort of backwards compatible using the Virtual Console :)
Well since you can already play Cube games on a Wii they spending time doing backwards compatibilty would be pointless ;)

The Freeloader for Gamecube works in a Wii so you can still import GC games and play them on your Wii… Just need the same for the Wii Games which they will hopefully bring out soon :)
Bit of a misleading heading, it's a disc/device to enable games from other regions to be played on a Wii. It's not however enabling any backwards compatibility. The Wii is already sort of backwards compatible using the Virtual Console :)

Miles away today, what was I thinking.:Oops: Been playing Eragon and it's numbed my mind.
Miles away today, what was I thinking.:Oops: Been playing Eragon and it's numbed my mind.

Lol! I've heard it'll do that ;)