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Wii - Hands-on - First Impressions

by Steven Williamson on 10 November 2006, 11:34

Tags: Nintendo (TYO:7974)

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Wii is about having fun!

I’m not dismissing these first person shooters, but playing with the Wii mote and Nunchuck didn’t make the experience any more immersive or better than playing an fps on any other console (although I did enjoy the effect of the speaker on the Wii-mote making clicking noises whenever you re-loaded). But hey, the Wii has been marketed as being all about fun, changing the way we play games and Nintendo have certainly delivered on that front. The Wii-mote and Nunchuck controllers truly shine in games such as Rayman Raving Rabbids, Trauma Centre, Wii Sports and Zelda where the action is more interactive, simpler and methodical, but I’m going to need far more time playing the action titles before I'm convinced that the controllers are up to the job.

I’ve seen pictures and specs of Wii dozens of times, but for some reason I didn’t expect it to be so small. It measures 8.5 inches long, 6 inches wide and less than 2 inches thick (roughly the size of 3 DVD cases stacked on top of each other) and with my aesthetic eye I couldn’t help thinking that it would look great sitting next to my Xbox 360. By the end of the day, and after playing numerous Wii games, this opinion was still at the forefront of my mind, not just because Wii and Xbox 360 look like a match made in heaven, but because both offer a totally different experience. Wii is all about having fun, interacting with games and other people and will be fantastic for some of the great Nintendo titles such as Zelda: Twilight Princess, but for the more hardcore games I’d still boot up my Xbox 360 to play the likes of Call of Duty 3 until I spend a few months adapting to the massive change; and at this stage I'm not sure that I want to change the way I play first person shooters in such a dramatic way.

Wii is a great console, but I'm already convinced that when launch day comes I'm not going to be picking up any of the all-out action titles, but I can't wait to get my hands on the likes of Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Trauma Centre, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz and Rayman Raving Rabbids. Wii is going to be all about fun with a capital 'F'!

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Hands-on with Rayman Raving Rabbids

Hands-on with Wii Sports

HEXUS Forums :: 12 Comments

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Page 2, wii mote,

“being the games that I would that I’d happily spend hours playing” (consider revising)

Thanks for the article :)
Page 2, wii mote,

“being the games that I would that I’d happily spend hours playing” (consider revising)

Thanks for the article :)

Cheers Mike:)
Thanks for that Steven, good read. I think I may pick up Rayman RR, Zelda and mebbe Trauma Centre. Is Red Steel a title that you would suggest leaving? (I have a 360 and a couple of meaty gaming PC's)
Thanks for that Steven, good read. I think I may pick up Rayman RR, Zelda and mebbe Trauma Centre. Is Red Steel a title that you would suggest leaving? (I have a 360 and a couple of meaty gaming PC's)

That's the way I'm thinking. The article suggested that the Wii would be a perfect accompanyment to the 360, both aesthetically and gametically (I made that one up) - I'd expand on that and say it's an equally good accompanyment to a meaty gaming PC. I'm steering well clear of titles such as Red Steel and COD:3, or basically any FPS or any game I can experience in higher quality on PC (I appreciate there aren't any yet). I can't wait for Zelda, Rayman, Trauma Centre, Sports and Play etc… they all look fantastic and superbly geared to the control system.
Thanks for that Steven, good read. I think I may pick up Rayman RR, Zelda and mebbe Trauma Centre. Is Red Steel a title that you would suggest leaving? (I have a 360 and a couple of meaty gaming PC's)

Nick is going to write a first look on Red Steel as he played it more than me, but I'm personally not going to get it. I think Nick actually enjoyed it though.